Summer means
Vacation Bible School
My week has been kind of busy!
We are holding VBS at our church this week.
We began last Wednesday with a pool pre-registration with over 60 kids.
Preparing hot dogs and the fixing--drinks.
You know when your daughter is the Director you are
I received the assignment of cooking
for all VBS workers and families.
for all VBS workers and families.
The church provides a meal every night of VBS so
the families do not have to worry about meals that week.
Of course that means menu for 5 nights
plus refreshments for Parent's night
Our Theme for the week is Agent D3
So keeping with the Spy theme
My menu:
Safe House Burgers
Pocket Litter Pasta
Undercover Taco Salad
Double Agent Ham
Cover Up Sandwiches
Spy Hopping Refreshments
I have 3 wonderful ladies that have been a great help.
Could not have done it with out them
I keep forgetting to take picture but here is couple I did take.
More later as you have to see the room decorations.
Director (In Red) receiving words of wisdom!
This group provides the snacks for the kids ever night.
Mr. Spy entertaining kids during snacks.
Borrowed my decorations for his time to shine.
Director--Registration Director--Snack Director
adding up attendance.
In the back ground you can see my daily food supply.
Our church members are very generous they provide many
of the items for the meals and
snacks for our hard working staff.
snacks for our hard working staff.
This is what it looked like when
!!!!140 kids !!!!
invaded the Sanctuary on the 2nd night
We are just a small town church in Texas!!!!
Saw a saying that said, I am tired but it is
VBS tired but what
VBS tired but what
a blessing that comes out of this tired.
Say a prayer for kids and all the workers.
Hope to post more later in the week.
Thanks for stopping by Y'all!
Love to hear and see about your VBS experience's.