Thursday, October 25, 2018

Ladies Conference Tables

Ladies Conference 2018
The Women's Ministry of our church has held 
a Ladies conference for several years now. 
I am Chairperson of the Women's Ministry, today  as I was looking
 at photos and I thought I need to share these on my blog. 
***Insert I haven't posted since Aug. of 2017, family had to come first!

The day begins with a breakfast, then we are blessed with
 Bible Study and music from two wonderful christian women. 
At lunch we enjoy a wonderful catered meal with
 tables hosted by ladies that volunteer to  provided a complete 
table setting, a small gift for each lady and 
decorations pertaining to the theme. 
Our theme this year was Anchored In Christ
---using  anchors and other nautical items .
It is amazing how each table was completely different. 
We are so fortunate to have many talented ladies that
 volunteer there time and talents to make our
 Ladies Conference a big success every year.  

Church Sanctuary


Luncheon Tables


My Table

I know this is maybe an overload of photos but I hope
 you enjoy seeing how our church  minister
 to the Ladies in our community. 

Thanks for dropping by ya'll