Christmas was a great time for my family. My husbad and children had my Mother & Dad's 8mm films
placed on DVD"s for them for Christmas. This was very special as my brother who died several years ago of cancer at an early age was a big part of the tapes. It was a big surprise as we told her that they would not be completed for Christmas. We had a time of remember some of the crazy things he did and also being able to introduce my children to some of there ancestors they never got to meet.
Now for the great gifts that I was gifted to me from my children. To my great delight under the tree was a 4 place setting of Johnson Brothers Friendly Village, and 3 wonderful stemmed red candleolders. Oh and the husband added a Bell Jar Stand with Dome. My telescaping juices were at high alert. I am try to post photo's of my Christmas I know they are late, but I am still at new at this. I hope to join Between Naps on the Porch tablescapes soon.
Since finding her site plus many many more I have scored several of the thrify stores and also have my mom (Thrify Store Queen) on the look it for several items. We have scored !!!!!!